Medium-term business plan
As we work toward the realization of the JACCS Group’s management principle and long-term vision, we have articulated how the Company should look in three years’ time, which coincides with the milestone of the 70th anniversary of JACCS’ founding. The new three-year medium-term business plan, “MOVE 70,” translates this vision into business strategies.
Under the medium-term business plan, the Company has described how it should look in three-years’ time based on four key policies. Hence, the Company will focus on the execution of strategies and programs that aim to realize the outcomes described. Simultaneously, JACCS will strive to meet the expectations of all its stakeholders, including customers, business partners, shareholders and employees.
1. Enhance earnings base in the domestic business that leverages the Group’s strengths
Development of new earnings sources
- Rapid response to the needs of member stores and consumers
- Strengthening of product development
Expansion of products and services in the payments field
- Develop and offer payment functions that leverage digital and smartphone channels
- Provision of multi-payment services and expansion of member store network by leveraging alliances
- Expansion of channels for acquiring card members and promotion of card use
Expansion of competitive advantage
- Move into growth markets through alliances and cooperation
- Expand market share through the promotion of consulting-based sales programs
- Develop and promote products and services adapted to changes in the business environment, such as decarbonization
Promotion of cost structural reforms to support the growth strategy
- Improvement of quality and productivity through migration to web-based services and automation
- Enhancement of operational effi ciency and reduction of costs by leveraging digital channels
2. Establish earnings base in the overseas business capable of driving future growth
Return to a growth track through strengthening of competitiveness and profi tability
- Grow the volume of new contracts through expansion of the business area and by adding to the product lineup
- Leverage web-based applications and smartphones Increase the sophistication of credit screening operations and receivables management operations utilizing IT systems
Strengthen corporate governance and develop human resources
- Strengthen Group management control systems and internal control systems
- Develop and actively promote global human resources
3. Strengthen management structure to accelerate growth in the domestic and overseas businesses
Strengthen the strategic partnership with Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group
- New domains: Develop new collaborative businesses in the digital fi eld
- Existing domains: Strengthen business competitiveness and expand synergy-driven earnings
Promote DX
- Develop products and services on a Companywide, cross-functional basis by leveraging digital technologies
- Promote measures aimed at the creation of a new value proposition model
Increase the sophistication of risk management systems
- Implement measures aimed at ERM on a Groupwide basis
- Strengthen risk management systems
4. Promote ESG management
Measures to address environmental issues
- Promote decarbonization through the provision of fi nancial services
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and energy usage
Measures to address social issues
- The provision of safe and secure services that offer a high level of convenience
- Create an environment that maximizes the scope for diversity and a diverse range of values
- Raise the level of engagement among employees
- Cooperation and coexistence with local communities, and promotion of social contribution activities
Measures aimed at advancing the quality of corporate governance
- Strengthen risk management
- Further strengthen check functions through the Board of Directors and Management Committee
Quantitative Targets
Consolidated(100 millions of Yen) | FY03/23 | FY03/24 | FY03/25 |
Revenues | 1,670 | 1,755 | 1,845 |
Ordinary Income | 290 | 325 | 365 |
Net Income Attributable to Owners of the Parent | 195 | 220 | 245 |
ROE | 10.6% | 10.9% | 11.3% |
Non-Consolidated(100 millions of Yen) | FY03/23 | FY03/24 | FY03/25 |
Revenues | 1,405 | 1,450 | 1,495 |
Ordinary Income | 260 | 275 | 300 |
Net Income | 180 | 190 | 205 |
Under the three-year medium-term management plan, the Company will aim to achieve stable shareholder return, with a dividend payout ratio target of approximately 30%.