Materiality 1Providing safe and secure services that offer a high level of convenience

Providing safe and secure services that offer a high level of convenience is positioned by JACCS—as a consumer credit company—as one of its highest priority tasks, which lies at the core of its business.
JACCS’ founding philosophy—“Trust id the basis for all”—signifies our belief that everything we do, including our business operations, rests on the foundation of trust and reliability that we have built with our customers and business partners. We believe that for JACCS, the creation of services that our customers and business partners can use safely and securely is our duty.
In addition, by continuing to pursue services that offer a high level of convenience, we respond to customers’ continually changing needs and contribute to the realization of a sustainable and affluent society.

Relevant SDGs

1 No Poverty 4 Quality Education 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth 9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities

Specific initiatives

Main indicators / KPIs

Can be horizontally scrolled
Area of materiality Main initiatives Indicators Results for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024 Targets for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025
Providing safe and secure services that offer a high level of convenience Service that responds to the trust placed in JACCS by customers and member stores Response rate 88.3% 90%
Ratio of automated receipt of credit screening applications 69.3% 82%
Raising the sophistication of information security Acquisition of certification under the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCIDSS) PCIDSS Version 3.2 compliant Version 4.0 compliance
Ratio of detection of fraudulent credit card transactions 66.2% 70%
Providing financial services as infrastructure to support local communities and lifestyles Volume of new contracts for home renovation loans ¥140.5 billion ¥141.6 billion
Volume of new contracts for educational loans ¥20.5 billion ¥19.2 billion
Volume of new contracts for medical loans ¥34.9 billion ¥27.6 billion
Volume of new contracts in the overseas business ¥85.7 billion ¥103.1 billion
Balance of loans for condominiums purchased for investment purposes ¥2,741.9 billion ¥3,000.0 billion
Promoting cashless payments Volume of new contracts in the credit card and payments business ¥2,850.3 billion ¥2,962.7 billion
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